Protest Music & Songwriting with Aquil Charlton

Protest Music & Songwriting with Aquil Charlton
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
5 - 7:30 PM

Resident artist and DJ, Aquil Charlton, plays through examples of protest music from the black tradition, post-1968 to present, and invites discussion about related themes and political movements. Aquil will also lead participants in songwriting activities to compose their own protest songs. Recommended ages 14+ (all ages welcome).

Protest Music & Songwriting with Aquil Charlton

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
5 - 7:30 PM

Resident artist and DJ, Aquil Charlton, plays through examples of protest music from the black tradition, post-1968 to present, and invites discussion about related themes and political movements. Aquil will also lead participants in songwriting activities to compose their own protest songs. Recommended ages 14+ (all ages welcome).